A verb which denotes the time of action or occurrence is called Tense.
The verb which occurs in present time is called Present Tense; the verb which occurs in past time is called Past Tense; the verb which occurs in future time is called Future Tense.
According to the application of the personal pronouns, the tenses have varied uses.
Personal pronouns are of three categories
- First Person: - I; We
- Second Person: - You; Thou
- Third person: - He; She; It; They
For an easy reference, we would take an example of the sentence and apply those personal pronouns in the following parts of tenses.
Example: - I LOVE
I. Present Tense
The Present Tense is divided into four categories.
- Simple Present Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I/ We love
- Second Person: - You love
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It loves/ They love
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I am loved/We are loved
- Second Person: - You are loved/
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It is loved /They are loved
2. Present Perfect Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I/ We have loved
- Second Person: - You have loved
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It has loved/ They have loved
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I have been loved/We have been loved
- Second Person: - You have been loved
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It have been loved /They have been loved
3. Present Continuous Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I am loving /We are loving
- Second Person: - You are loving
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It is loving/They are loving
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I am being loved/We are being loved
- Second Person: - You are being loved
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It is being loved /They are being loved
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I/ We have been loving
- Second Person: - You have been loving.
- Third Person: - He/She/It has been loving /They have been loving
II. Past Tense
The Past Tense is divided into 4 categories
- Simple Past Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I/ We loved
- Second Person: - You loved
- Third Person: - He/She/It/ They loved.
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I was loved /We were loved
- Second Person: - You were loved
- Third Person: - He/She/It was loved /They were loved.
2. Past Perfect Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I/ We had loved
- Second Person: - You had loved
- Third Person: - He/She/It/ They had loved.
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I/ We had been loved
- Second Person: - You had been loved
- Third Person: - He/She/It/ They had been loved.
- Past Continuous Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I was/were loving /We were loving
- Second Person: - You were loving
- Third Person: - He/She/It was loving / They were loving.
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I was/were being loved/We were being loved
- Second Person: - You were being loved
- Third Person: - He/She/It was being loved /They were being loved.
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense: -
- First Person: - I/ We had been loving
- Second Person: - You had been loving
- Third Person: - He/She/It/ They had been loving
III. Future Tense
The Future Tense is divided into four categories.
- Simple Future Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I/ We will/shall love
- Second Person: - You will/shall love
- Third Person:- He/ She/ It/ They will/shall love
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I/ We will/shall be loved
- Second Person: - You will/shall be loved
- Third Person: - He/She/It/They will/shall be loved
2. Future Perfect Tense: -
Active Voice
- First Person: - I/ We will/shall have loved
- Second Person: - You will/shall have loved
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It will/shall have loved/They will/shall have loved
Passive Voice
- First Person: - I/ We will/shall have been loved
- Second Person: - You will/shall have been loved
- Third Person: - He/She/It will/shall have been loved/They will/shall have loved
Future Continuous Tense: -
- First Person: - I will/shall be loving/ We will/shall be loving
- Second Person: - You will/shall be loving
- Third Person: - He/ She/ It will/shall be loving/ They will/shall be loving
Future Perfect Continuous Tense: -
- First Person: - I/ We will/shall have been loving
- Second Person: - You will/shall have been loving.
- Third Person: - He/She/It will/shall have been loving/ They will/shall have been loving