Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

Synopsis: We shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about our future, which is uncertain.

As a human, we all imagine for a good fortune, but it’s not certain that our imagination will become a reality because our future is uncertain. It is a foolish idea to believe that the all the egg which the hen is sitting will become chickens. Some of them will hatch others won’t. It may never happen as all the eggs get spoiled. The person who makes plans for the eggs would get disappointed.

So, we must not depend too much on our uncertain future because sometimes end result will be a huge disappointment. We should always give time till the uncertainty regarding the matter ends. This is the sign of wisdom and intelligence. Our main motto should be a hope for the best and prepare for the worst. This proverb can be explained clearly by the story of the milkmaid.

Once, a milkmaid was on her way to market to sell the pot of milk. On her way to the market, she had started thinking of how much money she will earn by selling this pot of milk and all the good fortune she would have. In the imagination, she had dreamt of having a large house with servants and also owning plenty of cattle. Her mind was fully occupied with this image and was dancing with joy, she almost forgot to look at the road where she was walking as result she dumped to stone and thus lost her balance and fell down. Her pot of milk also fell along with her, as a result, her dream was also shattered.

In short, we should always have a dream, and we should try to achieve it at any cost, but we should never forget about our present. It’s our present that matters more to us, than our uncertain future.

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