Palindrome Number

Palindrome number is a number which remains the same even after reversing the number, For example,:-, Let’s take a number 141 and reverse it then also it remains the same 141. 

Steps to write the palindrome number

Step 1: Get the number from the user

Step 2: Store the number in the temporary variable

Step 3: Reverse the number

Step 4: Compare the reversed number with the temporary number

Step 5: If both the number matches then it palindrome number otherwise it is not.

Palindrome program in java

In this program, we are getting the number from the user

Import java.Util.Scanner;

Class Palindrome


  Public static void main (String args{})


  Int res, sum=0, temp, n;

  Scanner s = new Scanner(;

  System.out.println(“ Enter the number: ”);

  n = s.nextln();

  temp = n;

    while(n>0)        // while loop to check whether the number is palindrome or not


       res = n%10;      // getting the remainder

       sum = (sum *10)+res ; 

       n = n/10 ;            // dividing by 10


If( temp == sum)

   System.out.println(“ Number is palindrome”);


   System.out.println (“ Number is not palindrome”);




Enter the number: 141

Number is palindrome


Compile ->  javac

Run -> java Palindrome

Code explanation:

Import java.Util.Scanner  ->  It’s a text scanner which can parse primitive types and strings using a regular expression.

Scanner s = new Scanner(   ->  It is used for receive input  from keyboard.

n = s.nextln()  -> This method are used for getting the integer value from the keyboard.

System.out.println (“……”)  -> It is used for displaying the message on screen or console.

For this explanation, we are taking the input number as 14841

Step 1:

              n = s.nextln();

The number we got from the user is stored in n

Step 2:

               temp =n;

The number we got from the user is getting stored in a temporary allocation

Step 3:


In the while loop, we checking whether the value of n is greater than 0. If it is greater than 0 it will enter the loop otherwise it will not enter the loop.


Step 4:

           res = n%10;     

          Here the value of n is divided by 10 and its remainder is been stored in res

          res = 141 % 10;

         res = 1;

Step 5:

             sum = (sum *10) + res ; 

Here sum we had already initialized as 0

            sum = (0*10) + 1;

            sum = 1;

Step 6:  

              n = n /10;

              n = 141 / 10;

              n = 14;

After this again from step 3 it will get repeated step 6 till the value of n become less than or equal to 0

Step 7:

           if (temp == sum)

In this step the initial value which was we stored in temp will be checked with the final value which is available in sum. If they are equal then it is palindrome number else not a palindrome number.

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