SAP MM - Service Procurement
An organization business process can be completed by acquiring raw materials, manufacturing finished goods and selling finished goods. Apart from that, an organization requires regular maintenance like housekeeping, painting, Hardware service, Air conditioning service etc. Usually, these services are done by third party vendors (external contractors). This comes under service procurement in SAP MM. No inventory is maintained for service procurement.
Following are the important aspects of service management
- Service Master Records – It stores all the information related to the service which is to be procured. Model service specification and standard service catalog are available to assist the business need. Service master record is created in T code AC03.
- Service Specification –Based on the project need Service specification needs to be created individually for each and every project. Eg: Plant Maintenance, PS network, Purchase order, Service entry sheet. To avoid the manual load, Copy function can be used to create service master and documents from the old ones.
- Planned service – In planned service, the nature and scope of the service know prior. Description, Quantity, and value are decided already. During service request, the service specification is entered as short text or with the aid of service master. Eg: House Keeping, Painting
- Unplanned service – In unplanned service, the nature and scope of the service are not known. Value limit can only be set. Services may be formed up to the value limit and not be exceeding that. Eg: Air condition breakdown service.
Below is the diagrammatic illustration of Service Procurement in SAP MM
List of T codes in Service Procurement
S.No | T codes | Description |
1 | AC01 & AC03 | Service Maser |
2 | MEQ1 | Quota Arrangement |
3 | ML81 & ML81N | Maintain Service Entry Sheet |
4 | ML84 | List of Service Entry Sheet |
5 | ML85 | Collective release of Service Entry sheet |
6 | ML33 | Create Vendor Conditions |
7 | ML45 | Display Service Condition |
8 | ME2S | Services Per Purchase Order |
9 | MSRV6 | Service List for Entry Sheets |
10 | AC06 | Service List |
T code – AC03
- Create Service master with the service description, Unit of Measure.
- Service Purchase order with reference to the Service Master. PO can also be created without Service master.
- New service will be created with the Basic unit of Measures, Service Category, valuation Class and Service group.
T code – ME21N
- The next step in service procurement is service purchase order.
- The important field in service procurement is Item Category (D), Short Text, Net Price, Material Group, Plant, Storage location, Account assignment category and Service number in Service tab.
T code – ML81N
The services procured is maintained in Service Entry Sheet.
Compare to normal procurement services differs from goods receipt.
Select PO and maintain the short text and service number and click ON flag button.
Master Data
- SAP MM – Organization Structure
- SAP MM – Master Data
- SAP MM – Service Procurement
- SAP MM – Movement Types
- Automatic Account Determination – SAP MM – FI Integration
- Automatic Account determination due to Sales Activity SAP SD–FI integration
- Subcontracting Process in SAP MM